Audio/Live Chat
Free Event: Certificates of Completion are available at the end @ Certificates of Completion | MLJCONSULTANCY LLC Consultancy for HIPAA Covered Entities | Business Associates | Subcontractors | MLJCONSULTANCY LLC.
H-I-P-A-A-thon free printout resources are accessible under "Topics" listed below:
When: December 16, 2023, between 11:00am-1:00pm,
Central Time.
Where: Google Meet @ https://meet.google.com/yio-wppg-hkd
-HIPAA Overview:
-HIPAA Updates:
-HIPAA and Emerging Topics, such as: Artificial Intelligence (AI), and cyberattacks:
Click the button below to attend:
The training was very informative and Mr. Joseph did a great job in his presentation of the various topics discussed.