Covered Entity (Rhymes)
C: Creates, maintains (stores), transmits, and receives Protected Health Information.
O: Overcomes the burden of conducting certain financial and administrative transactions, electronically with Protected Health Information,
in so many situations.
V: Verifies HIPAA identifiers at scheduling, registration, and prior to treatment.
E: Embraces the challenges of maintaining the confidentiality, privacy, security, and integrity of Protected Health Information, within its environment.
R: Reduces the risks of incidental disclosures, in each department.
E: Empowers all of its employees with trainings on the Privacy Rule,
The Security Rule,
The Administrative Simplification Rule, The Omnibus Final Rule,
and the Breach Notification Rule.
D: Did we miss a rule?
E: Enlists the services of business associates, after securing a business associate agreement.
N: Never rushes when dealing with Protected Health Information, because of HIPAA.
T: Trains on any new HIPAA changes, at any moment.
I: Improves its processes in a manner consistent to HIPAA.
T: Thus,
Y: You must
a HIPAA covered entity.